May found us moving and on the move....
We helped as all month long my brother moved out of our childhood home in Austin to be closer to us in Llano and begin his internship, apprenticeship and hopefully at some point partnership at Lou Quallenberg Studios making Mesquite Furniture.

Jamail's of Horseshoe Bay finally got opened in May and I survived Grand Opening followed quickly by Mother's Day! The long hours and concrete floors are doing a number on my health so I will be cutting back quite a bit to recover.
Miiller's Llano Smokehouse had a long scheduled photo shoot of their new items for their catalog and website so we managed to squeeze that into May as well. The Jalapeno Turkey is AMAZING!!! If you have not had it you need to. The Turkey Jerky is better than the beef Jerky in my opinion.
Maybe next month we will have a bit more about mesquite furniture making......